What Fruit Can I Eat On Keto?
What Fruit Can I Eat On Keto? Fruit, also known as nature’s candy. Although fruit has an abundance of health benefits, it’s also very high in carbs– generally not advised to be consumed in large quantities by ketogenic dieters. Generally, it is advised to proceed with caution, as portion sizes can be deceptively small and […]
How Do You Know When You’re In Ketosis? Ketonia’s Guide To Understanding Ketosis
How Do You Know When You’re In Ketosis Why You are Not In Ketosis? Ketonia’s Guide To Understanding Ketosis Ketosis, it’s the basis of the keto diet, and staying in ketosis is how you are going to achieve the weight loss you desire. It can be notoriously difficult to tell reliably if […]
Can You Be In Ketosis And Not Lose Weight?
Can You Be In Ketosis And Not Lose Weight? Yes, absolutely. While the ketogenic diet is the fast track to optimizing your metabolism, it is also not a get out of jail free card. Think about Michael Phelps. While training for the 2008 Olympics he astonished the world with his rock hard 6-pack and 12,000 […]