
Fasting on Keto

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Fasting, Fearmongering, and Freaky Results: Ketonia’s Personalized Insight To Fasting on the Ketogenic Diet   “Oh my god, that’s not healthy” gasped a confused yet well-intentioned girl. I had just finished telling her I was fasting, and therefore could not try her delicious-looking banana bread. This invited a skeptical look. A look that I have […]

Ketonia and Your Goals

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Ketonia and Your Goals USING KETONIA’S KETOGENIC PRODUCTS TO REACH YOUR KETO GOALS  What’s up guys? John Terry here with Ketonia. Find us on social media at @ketoniafoods. I wanted to make this video to tell you guys about how you can use Ketonia Foods to reach your goals (even though this isn’t nutritional advice), […]